Parents and guardians are not allowed to see their children or meet teachers during school hours. Teachers can be met either before or after the school time.


Please do not gather at School gate or surrounding areas during school hours.


Please do not send a sick child to school.


Please do not send expensive items for classmates and teachers on a child’s birthday or on any occasion.


Please keep one extra set of dress in the school bag of your child.


Parents should send Tiffin according to the healthy menu.


The parents are required to attend the PTM (Parents-Teacher meeting) twice in a year. A respectable code of conduct should be maintained and should be punctual at such meetings.


The parents are requested to send the school diary daily and also requested to check the diary daily on return of the ward from school.


Follow the notice board at school gate or website ( regularly.


Parents/guardians should carry the gate pass while taking their wards from the school gate.


Students/Parents should avoid offering gifts or presents to any of the teacher/staff at any time.


All students must wear only prescribed uniform on all weekdays without making any alteration. It should always be clean. However, coloured dress is allowed only on Birthdays and on other occasions as and when announced by the school.


Parents and Guardians are specially requested to notify the School of any change in their address and telephone number in writing.


Pupils are subject to school discipline not only in the school premises, but also while coming from and returning home, and at all public places.


Parents/Guardians should see that their wards complete their home work as and when given.


Parents/Guardians are requested not to take away their children during school hours other than emergency cases.


Fighting, any form of physical violence, bullying or use of bad language is strictly prohibited and will result in stern disciplinary action.


Irregular attendance, habitual idleness or late coming, disobedience or objectionable behaviour of any kind may result in the removal of a student from school.


In all questions of promotion, changing class/section the decision of the School Authority acting through the Principal will be final.





Students must be in clean and ironed uniforms daily. Poor turnout, that is dirty uniform, unpolished shoes, long/dirty fingernails, nail polish, jewellery, coloured hair bands/rubber bands (for girls) and coloured belts (for boys) will result in a mark against the student.



Girls are permitted to wear black simple hair accessories (hair band, clip, ribbon). Girls with long hair must tie their hair neatly at all times.

Boys are not permitted to have long hair. Boys must have short and neat hair.



The children should not wear gold/silver jewellery or expensive watches.

The school will not be responsible for the loss of these items.



All students must carry raincoats or umbrellas during the months of June to September.



All students must carry two handkerchiefs to school daily.



12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (Monday to Friday).



The CHILD’S NAME MUST BE WRITTEN on the School Bag, Tiffin Box, Water Bottle, Pencil Box, Belt, Blue Sweater etc.



The school year divided into three terms and there are examinations at the end of each term.



Students absent for the test will not get any mark in the particular subject. Those absent on medical reason will be marked sick for those subjects on production of a doctor’s certificate.



Parents are hereby discouraged to send their sick children to school. If your child is sick, do not send the child to school. Send a letter with a medical certificate within the next two days. The child will be marked sick for the subject. No retest will be held for absentees.



Pupils must be punctual and regular. Minimum attendance required is 70%. Parents are strongly discouraged from keeping students at home before examinations on pretext of ‘Study leave’.

A student must be present on the last working day before a vacation and first working day after a vacation.



1. The progress reports will be given to the students at the end of each term.

2. Report will not be given to those students whose fees/other dues are not paid up to date.

3. A fine of Rs. 100/- will be charged if the Report Book is lost.



Books must be purchased as per the book list.




Parents are requested not to send sick children to school for attending classes or appearing for examinations. This is in the interest of the child and at the same time his/her classmates, as well.


Every year school authority arranges a medical check-up for the students. Parents should fill up the medical form properly and send their child to school during the medical check-up.


This is important so that they :

a) Maintain personal hygiene such as trimming of nails and being neat on a regular basis.

b) Exercise regularly.

c) Sleep for at least eight hours daily.

d) Have a balanced diet, nutritionally rich in proteins and milk.

e) Drink water which is either boiled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.

f) Avoid consumption of ice-cream, other milk products and eatables from road-side vendors and kiosks.

g) All children should also be :

         (a) De-wormed at least once in every year, on the advice of the family physician.

         (b) Have a dental and ophthalmic check-up once every year by a well qualified dental                    surgeon and ophthalmologist.



1. Tuition Fee should be paid in two phases :

         April to September at the time of admission.

         October to March within 15th October. 


2. Late fee will be charged for Admission fee/Tuition fee not paid within the specified date.


3. A full calendar month’s notice must be given before the child is withdrawn from School or a month’s tuition fee must be paid in lieu of notice.


4. If Admission fee is not paid within the specified date, school will not be liable for admission at a later date. If tuition fee is not paid by the specified date, the name of the student is liable to be struck off the strength.

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